Hymenoptera-Ants, Bees, Hornets, Sawflies, and Wasps
Apidae Bombus sp. Bumble Bee | Colorado Insects of Interest Fact Sheet (pdf) | |
Crabronidae Pemphredon spp. Pemphredon Wasp | Colorado Insects of Interest Fact Sheet (pdf) | |
Crabronidae Pseneo punctatus (Fox) Leafhopper Hunting Wasp | Colorado Insects of Interest Fact Sheet (pdf) | |
Cynipidae Disholcaspis quercusmamma (Walsh) Rough Bulletgall Wasp | Colorado Insects of Interest Fact Sheet (pdf) | |
Formicidae Pogonomyrmex sp. Harvester Ants | Colorado Insects of Interest Fact Sheet (pdf) | |
Megachilidae Anthidium manicatum (L.) Wool Carder Bee | Colorado Insects of Interest Fact Sheet (pdf) | |
Mutillidae Velvet Ants | Colorado Insects of Interest Fact Sheet (pdf) | |
Pompilidae Pepsis spp., Hemipepsis spp. Tarantula Hawks | Colorado Insects of Interest Fact Sheet (pdf) | |
Siricidae Sirex spp. Sirex Horntails | Colorado Insects of Interest Fact Sheet (pdf) | |
Sphecidae Sceliphron caementarium (Drury) Black and Yellow Mud Dauber | Colorado Insects of Interest Fact Sheet (pdf) | |
Tenthredinidae Kaliofenusa ulmi (Sundevall) Elm Leafminer | Colorado Insects of Interest Fact Sheet (pdf) | ElmLeafminer |
Vespidae Dolichovespula arenaria (Fabricius) Aerial Yellowjacket | Colorado Insects of Interest Fact Sheet (pdf) | |
Vespidae Dolichovespula maculata (L.) Bald-faced Hornet | Colorado Insects of Interest Fact Sheet (pdf) | |
Vespidae Vespula spp. Yellowjackets | Colorado Insects of Interest Fact Sheet (pdf) | |